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Harry Rolnick reviews the recent concert by the vocal ensemble Res Facta:Res Facta Group Shot 2024

"Those of us growing up believing that Thomas Tallis was the remote appendix of a Vaughan Williams lament had a lot to learn. But nowhere near as much as the ResFacta Vocal Ensemble last night showed us.

Not merely showing but in a dozen rare works which answered–in my mind–many questions, both historical and spiritual.


We non-believers believe the music of Tallis sung by ResFacta was the most glorious human expressions. They, the believers, felt that only a Divine Spirit could produce such heavenly sounds. Both are correct. The heavens of Tallis and the universe of ourselves have room for ideas liturgical and secular.

With infinite ideas between."

Read the full review here

GEMS is a non-profit corporation that supports and promotes the artists and organizations in New York devoted to early music — playing repertoire from the Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, and early Classical periods.